Please join Crosby FTW, High Heels & Hockey, The Pensblog, PensNation, Faceoff Factor, and Slewfooters for a day of kickball, raffles, prizes, and more!
The tournament will be divided into teams of 10. When signing up, be sure to talk to your friends and family so that you are able to get onto the same teams. We will update the form when teams fill up.
If you want to represent a blog team, but it is indicated that the team is full, please let us know and we will create a B team for our blogs. Also, you are more than welcome to form your own team of 10 for the event. Please contact Stevie ( and we will add your team to the registration form.
If you do not wish to play but would like to come out and support the teams, you may sign up to attend as a spectator. Per request, we are now accepting donations in order to receive a t-shirt via mail for those whom are unable to attend. The option is now on the sign up form.
Location: South Hills Dek Hockey
1551 Worthington Avenue
Jefferson Hills, PA 15025
Date: Saturday, October 6, 2012
Time: 1:00pm – 8:00pm
A schedule of games will be posted prior to the event.
Admission: $20/person
Cost includes a Hockey Kicks Cancer t-shirt and a plate of food (We will have hamburgers, hot dogs, hot sausage, kilbasa, potato salad, fruit salad, corn on the cob, chips and drinks. Catered by the Interchange Lounge)
50/50 raffles
Prize Baskets from local businesses
Other activities and booths TBA
If you wish to donate to the event and do NOT want to receive a t-shirt, please click the link below to send your donation via PayPal. Furthermore, if your blog or business would like to help sponsor teams or a booth, please contact Stevie Watson at for information on how you can be a part of making this day a great success!
Please click here to sign up if you want to pick a team and play, or at least receive a shirt.
If you only wish to donate to the cause, then click here instead.
The last day to sign up is September 16!
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter (@HKicksCancer) and please spread the word about this event!! Thank you all for your help, donations, and participation!!
PayPal Instructions
If you do not have a PayPal account, please choose the option “Don’t Have a PayPal Account” in order to pay via debit or credit card. Applications cannot be completed without payment. Thank you for your generosity and we can’t wait to see you at the event!
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